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Tips for Winterizing Your Fall Mums

December 20, 2019 2 min read

The pumpkin flavors and Halloween decorations are beginning to surface on store shelves everywhere.

It isn’t easy to accept, but the changing of the leaves, cooler nights and schools opening their doors all signal that fall is just around the corner.

Mums are a popular seasonal plant. But did you know that mums should be planted before the fall season begins?

According to Jim Jenkins Lawn and Garden Center located in Pennsylvania, mums need to be started early in order for their roots to establish themselves in the ground. This allows the mums to have a strong root system, which assists this perennial plant in returning each year.

Officials say planting your mum now, during mid to late August, can promote stable root growth before it freezes.

If you have not planted your mum by the end of September, sources recommend keeping it in the pot the plant is in and placing it inside, or a warm shed where the roots are kept warm.

“If keeping the plant inside, check it once a month to see if it needs to be watered. If dry, water. When the weather turns mild in March, bring the pots outside and place them where they will be watered and fertilized throughout the summer, or plant them in the ground,” suggests Jim Jenkins Lawn and Garden Center.

Check out your local garden center for mums today!

If Your Fall Mum is Outside

If your mum is outside you may need to spread some mulch or dried leaves around the roots. This can be done later than August, and more towards October when the nights begin to consistently freeze.

“If placing the plant outdoors, cover it with 6 to 10 inches of mulch or 12 to 18 inches of leaves,” recommends Jim Jenkins Lawn and Garden Center.

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